Sunday, September 26, 2010


Battle Android Troopers:  The B.A.T.s made their first animated appearance in "Arise, Serpentor, Arise" and became a staple of the show thereafter.  In the 25th Anniversary line Hasbro released a couple of variations of the figure.  The first version appeared in Wave 9 and is by far the best.  Unlike the versions that followed, this B.A.T. contains a more complex paint scheme (a black wash) on the silver arms and attatchments that lends a more realistic look to the figure.

Subsequent versions included a more television accurate one with a red face plate, a "Hall of Fame" edition, and the almost perfect "Battle Damaged" model that came packaged with the "Defense of Cobra Island" boxed set.  This B.A.T. had a head with the exterior casing cracked open and an alternate breast plate with bullet holes.

I've combined the two best versions to showcase in the picture above.  The initial mold on the figure is really nice but the added paint application and battle damaged head combine to make it one of the best in the line.  It's a bit of a shame they never released a definitive B.A.T. with the best of everything.

RATING:  ****/****

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